In the era of short videos we have grown more impatient than ever. Our eyes yearn for the perfect visuals every second. The contents we consume have to be intensely engaging from the very beginning, else we lose interest and jump onto the next piece of content. As the competition is getting tougher, creating engaging, interesting and informative long texts or articles is a tough call today. For website owners having properly set Core Web Vitals is the most important aspect of setting up their website along with SEO. Getting SEO services for your website can reduce your workload significantly while improving the performance of your website. Having said that website core vitals need to set the right way for an overall smooth, fast and eye catching website experience to your audience. Let’s have a look at how the role of Core Web Vitals has changed the game for website owners in 2024.
What Are Core Web Vitals?
Core Web Vitals is a combination of three vital website measures.
- Largest contentful paint, in short LCP which measures website or webpage loading time and performance, must occur within the first 2.5 seconds of page loading.
- Interaction to next paint or INP which measures responsiveness of website. This has to be under 200 milliseconds.
- Cumulative layout shift or CLS which measures visual stability to the users. Ideally CLS score should be under 0.1 to provide your visitors a good user experience.
It is important to get these metrics right in order to keep your website fast, responsive and engaging to your users.
Importance and Impact Of Core Web Vitals For SEO
In 2024 Google has made it mandatory for websites to perform and respond super fast for it to rank higher in Google search results. In other words getting your Core Web Vitals right is mandatory for search engine optimization i.e. SEO. No matter how perfect your website looks, if it fails to meet the above three criterias then it will be pushed back in rankings. As a result visibility, discoverability of your website will decrease resulting in low engagement despite great content. At Digi Alturas we call it the SEO Impact of Core Web Vitals, applicable to all websites in 2024. Inevitably for us the digital marketing agency best practices for SEO must include Core Web Vitals too.
Expert Digital Marketing Agency SEO Tips To Website Owners In 2024
With the ever changing algorithm of Google Search Engine digital marketers are focusing more on Core Web Vitals than ever. Without getting them right you cannot rank high on Google search results. These are some tips from DigiAlturas for all the website owners out here to help save the day.
- Getting The Vitals Right: First things first, you create a website to put contents in it. Before doing anything get the Core Web Vitals right. Rest of the work comes later.
- Experience and Expertise: Back in the day Google introduced an acronym for website owners, EAT which stands for Expertise, Authority and Trust. These were the key aspects of creating contents for websites to get higher on search results. Now Google has coined this as E-EAT where the first E stands for experience. In short you have to write well informed content from experience as Google will evaluate the practicality of your content.
- Targeted Audience Over Traffic: As a website owner you have to prioritize your targeted audience over traffic. Huge traffic is definitely a dream of all website owners but Google will show results through a filter of specific groups. So you must decide on your targeted audience and keep on creating curated contents just for them.
- Beneficial and Niche Based Content: Niche or topic specific websites are preferred over vastly informative websites by Google. So by default you have to pick a topic that caters to a specific group of people.
- Manual Content Over AI Generated: Despite all the hype and fast results, Google still prefers human efforts over AI when it comes to content. So the original contents will rank higher than the AI generated ones.
Overall you have to create content with great knowledge, expertise, experience and a strong hold on the topic or niche that you are catering to. These are the most commonly followed by us as digital marketing agency SEO trends nowadays. Once you combine all these key aspects consistently your website will rank on the first result of Google search results.
When knowledge, experience, creativity and consistency is combined Google search engine pays attention to it. The concept of SEO has greatly changed and will keep on changing over time. For now the Core Web Vitals are one of the most important aspects. Get it right and your ranking will consistently improve.